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January 17, 2006

May I have your card?

I became an entrepreneur because I had a passion for the product. As a young geek entrepreneur, I thought everyone wanted technical details, a cost-benefit analysis, and time to make the right decision. The product would sell itself.

At my first trade show I spent my booth time explaining our product in detail. I answered questions thoroughly and made the case for stocking our product to each retailer I met. I was accumulating a pocket full of business cards.

My sales manager had a pocket full of orders. He took me aside to share his superior technique:

"At the end of the conversation, say 'May I have your card?' And when their wallet is open and they are handing you their business card, say, with a smile, 'No, I meant your credit card.'"

It doesn't matter how good the product is. You need to ask for the sale.

Posted by Bob Pritchett at January 17, 2006 4:00 AM

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