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January 22, 2006

Naked Conversations book launch

Naked ConversationsCongratulations to Robert Scoble and Shel Israel on Naked Conversations, their new book on business blogging.

After a long day of cross-country travel (I got up at 3:30 am -- eastern!) I hung around Seattle until the launch party last night. Fortunately there were lots of interesting people to meet and I managed to stay awake, there and all the way back to Bellingham.

I just got my signed copy last night, and I am really looking forward to reading the book. My blogging, both here and for Logos, isn't really "naked". It tends to be planned and scheduled, and less conversational. As a company, we have been transparent in conversation with our customers, but mostly through our newsgroups, where there is plenty of interaction, but less discoverability and a smaller community.

Maybe I need to loosen up? I'll read the book and find out.

Posted by Bob Pritchett at January 22, 2006 7:24 AM

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